Saturday, December 4, 2010

Lucky Rabbit [Photography] ?


DayeDaye said...

OMG!!!!!!!!! Man we need to pray for this world! that's just sick!

Emjae said...

Holy shit, scary. The baby looks dead, what are they thinking? :'(

v.naella said...

unbelievable!!!! This is really bad.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha... Thank god this wasnt a set! One solo photo... Rigor Mortis Revue!

Wayfaring Stranger said...

lol the model's facial expression's priceless, but I like what the photographer was trying to capture here, I mean come on- who wasn't morbidly curious during the part of dawn of the dead where the pregnant woman becomes a zombie and actually manages to deliver the baby/zombie? Of course then everyone shoots each-other so we never get the chance to see if that baby/zombie was a hybrid or just a zombie baby- but to get back to the point, you have to admit the concept here is actually kinda cool.

spyder said...

this photo is marvelous and can only be interpreted by such unique minds as of those who are responsible for its great creation and as far as i can see its creators are from individuals who apparently embrace the subculture so if ur some uptight white collar of course u will have complaints people its a way of viewing things it can mean more than your human eye or mind can comprehend